вторник, 8 апреля 2008 г.

Statistics. Birth, mortality and abortions rates. Russia 2007

According to several sources total population in Russia is about 142,000,000 people
(the number of people who will be retired soon is

By 2050 the population in Russia will reduce by third.

During last 50 years birth rate in Russia was decreased by 50%/

“Despite decrease of abortions in Russia, we still rate the first in the worlds by a number of abortions”, said Vera Prilepskaya, Deputy Director, Science Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Prenatal Development.

Every fourth abortion in the world is done in Russia.

A number of aborted babies is still higher of born babies.

According to official sources there are 1.8 million abortions done every year in Russia. According to non-official date this number is higher by 8-10%.

57% of pregnancies ended up with abortion.

Over 30% women have an abortion more than once a year;
every second of them is younger 20 years old.

Experts say that the age of women having abortions has been dropped. Abortions are done even by school students. As a result the percentage of infertility in Russia is higher than in most of the countries.

According to statistics 60% of all abortions have young women at the age of 16-19, 15% - older women (INTERFAX).

Women who live in common marriage (20%) or divorced (20%) choose an abortion more often comparing to single (15%) or married women (10%).

Facts are showing that an abortion in Russia is a tool for

  1. to postpone a birth of another child,
  2. to stop having babies for those couples who have children

Consequences of abortions:

10% - 15% of abortions have various complications.

7-8% women become infertile after an abortion.

The risk if infertility rises by 30% after second abortion.

Currently 10 million Russians cannot have children (infertility). A number of women having infertility are growing by 200,000-250,000 every year.

In Russia every 10th couple cannot have children.

Statistics show

Main reason for an abortion is financial problems (approximately 40%).

Second – fear for child’s future (21%).

Third – living conditions (15%).

9% of respondents said that have abortions because it is less expensive than other contraceptives.

Five main reasons of abortions in Russia.
1. UNSTAIBLE MARRIAGE, NOT TRUSTING A PARTNER. Only naive women think that having a baby can solve marriage problems and strength relationships. Many women think that a baby can push away a husband or a partner and she would be left alone with a baby or two.

2. LIVING CONDITIONS. Many young couples forced to live with their parents or to rent a place which is a biggest expense on their budget. Often it becomes a reason why a family decides not to have a baby (especially if it is a second baby).

3. LOW INCOME. Young families that have low income have to lower their living conditions if they have a baby. Sometime grandparents are willing to help with a first baby (including financial support), but with a second child it becomes a burden for them.

4. LOW LEVEL OF SEXUAL EDUCATION. Many young men and women do not know information about contraceptives; do not think about consequences of unplanned intercourses when partners do not use contraceptives.

5. MEDICAL REASONS FOR AN ABORTION, including PREGNANCY AS A RESULT OF A RAPE. Health conditions of many women are such that a pregnancy (especially second one) can be dangerous for them. There is no much information about rapes that end up with pregnancies but doctors say that the number of such cases is not rare as it seems to be.

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